Monday, August 31, 2009

felons on parade again

It's been awhile since we did prison bus conversations, eh?

Today we boarded the bus to an in-progress conversation between three people (two guys and a woman, if it matters) about how an acquaintance, mutual or otherwise, had sadly met the criteria for habitual offender and thus was looking at a long sentence for merely stealing some tylenol. Well, I'm sure it was tylenol with added codeine for your narcotic pleasure, but still. This somehow segued to a spirited discussion of the differences between supervised and unsupervised parole and how that affects what one can get violated for.

Which then led Felon #1, a junky, to a misty-watercolored-memory-type reminiscence of his career in robbery. "I don't do 'sick' well. I can't deal with stealing stuff, then having to try to sell it, when I'm sick. I'm all about the cash. 'Gimme your money, and a lot of it.' I'd rob dealers, anyone. My last armed robbery? I did two years at Walpole for robbing a dealer!" (Editorial note: we can only surmise from Felon #1's tone of voice, but he seemed to feel there was a great unfairness in having to do so much time for robbing another felon. Alas for him, the judicial system does not apparently recognize such fine distinctions when meting out justice.)

Fear not, however. Felon #1 has been in a program for nine months, "with not one dirty urine!" Thus your correspondent was in no danger of being jacked for the forty six dollars and change she had in her purse.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

Nobody on my public transportation ever says anything interesting! Or does, if you exclude the young person who does her makeup on the Blue Line.