Wednesday, July 30, 2008

sex and candy

I had no candy today, but I did have salad made with stuff from the farmer's market: red leaf lettuce, pickling cukes, and little yellow heirloom tomatoes, which, yum. I think that's close.

M1 promised me last week that when she came in to work this week Thursday or Friday, she'd bring me some of the zucchinis which are over-running her garden. You know what this means, doncha? My annual adventure in zucchini bread making. It never exactly comes out good, no matter what I do or what recipe I try, but I persevere. This might be my year!

If you have a super awesome zucchini bread recipe that I cannot fuck up, please share.



Uncle said...

It's not bread but it's hard to fuck up.
Zucchini frittata. Chop up three normal, two large, or one gigantic washed zucchini in a food processor or some such, with one medium onion and two or three cloves of garlic. Blend the results with three lightly beaten eggs. Although you should entirely oven cook a frittata, I usually start it on the stovetop until the bottom sets. Sprinkle some grated cheese on top and put in a 350 oven until set...about 15 minutes.
Because the zucchini can give the mix a greenish tinge you might have ham on the side for green eggs and ham ;). It's good even if you don't get the timing perfect, and heavenly when it all plays out: all that fresh veggy goodness plus eggs is to die for.

I used to work at a place where it was understood that if you left your windows open in the parking lot you were fair game for anyone with surplus produce. We ate a lot of zucchini ;)

malevolent andrea said...

That sounds yummy! Thanks!

crispix67 said...

*wishing Id planted zucchini instead of cukes now*

That frittata does sound yummy!

Alas I have no recipes...I can hit my mom up for hers, if youd like. As I recall it wasnt that hard..and the bread is amazing!

malevolent andrea said...

Zucchini bread attempt #1: even though I had a couple new recipes people had given me, I decided to make a zucchini/carrot bread that I made a few years ago and remembered as coming out unsatisfactorly. When I was making the batter, it looked extraordinarily dry. Perusing my other recipes, I see that most of them called for more oil-to-flour than this one did, so I added an extra 1/4 cup. I also added some nutmeg and extra vanilla to punch it up. Well, when it was time for it to come out of the oven I was in the middle of making dinner. Therefore, I unwisely tried to take it out of the pan just a smidge sooner than I should have. I needed the counter space! It stuck to the pan and crumpled into many pieces. Sonofabitch. I tasted one of the pieces and thought it was yummy, though. Gave my dad a taste. "Did you put salt in this?" Yeah, the teaspoonful it called for. I do not think it's too salty. Bah.

Next up? Chocolate zucchini bread. I need to buy the chocolate chips, though.