Tuesday, July 22, 2008

little miss can't be wrong

Catching up on *last* week's blogging...

Last week was our semi-annual hospital-wide free lunch at work. We get a Christmas/holiday meal and, midsummer, we get a "BBQ". They close down the cafeteria and set up outside and feed us buffet style gratis. Now, the problem with this, is that despite no one having to pay and it being self-serve, both of which would make one think that things might move along quickly, it invariably leads to huge, huge lines and much waiting. This summer's was no exception. I can only conclude that every single person on the complex who normally brings their lunch or goes out avails themselves of the hospital food on these occasions because, hey!, it's free, thus leading to three times the normal number of diners.

So a couple of my docs had gone over and came back empty handed because the line was just that long that they couldn't bear to wait. Me, I went over and queued, because I was starving and it was my only chance to get food before my patient came. While I was standing in the interminable line, I see LK, she of the massage-mooching, breeze past me. I thought perhaps she'd already gotten her stuff and had forgotten silverware or something. I couldn't imagine what else she was doing.

Later, back in the office, I overhear her telling one of the secretaries who hadn't gone over yet her method for successfully cutting in line.

Are you serious? Who does that? Did we all not learn somewhere around first grade that no matter who you are or how much you want something, you have to wait your turn?

I take back what I said about people not being sociopaths. Jesus.



Uncle said...

I suppose it would be unethical to leave her closely resembling a pretzel after the next cheapskate massage? What about a time-release release so that she wakes up looking like someone from the Kama Sutra?

Dang...I know...ethics. But that doesn't keep the fantasy away.

malevolent andrea said...

So, you agree, this behavior is appalling. Every time I think about it, I go, Who *does* that? And then brags about it?

I dunno. I think I've got a nice guys/girls finish last rant building up in me somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, don't I know it.

My therapist has heard more than a few of those rants, after far too many drives to Brookline when I get screwed when actually following traffic laws by all those who don't.

The fact that people actually brag about it... I know, I find it entirely bizarre. But sadly LK is far from unique. Probably brags about how much she cheats the IRS, too.

Uncle said...

Crikey, I once *worked* for people like that for nearly 3 years. The whole fricken family. If there was nobody else around to cheat, they'd cheat each other. This is alleged to be sanity in some circles.