Saturday, April 12, 2008

it does occur to me

...that the other thing I should be embarrassed about admitting in the previous post is that I subscribe to EW. But c'mon now. You people know you wouldn't believe it for a nanosecond if I claimed my coffee table was covered with issues of The Economist or The Paris Review, so who would I be kidding?

It also occurs to me that actually it's neither the scowl nor the facial scruff that makes Mr Laurie as House more sexeh than Mr Laurie in previous TV shows. I think it's that he's one of those rare people who gets better looking as he ages.

And finally, what with all the cross-talk about young looking MDs, I would be remiss in not mentioning that if your doctor is in Massachusetts and you are deeply suspicious that s/he looks as if s/he should still be attending high school and flipping burgers at MickeyD's on the side, you can go to this website:
and find out indeed what year s/he purportedly graduated from med school and thus an approximate age.

It'll also tell you about any malpractice suits lost and criminal convictions. If, you know, you're worried.


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