Friday, April 11, 2008

and in a different magazine

I got my EW today, which, hallelujah, it usually never comes on Friday. Anyway, there's a little snippet about Hugh Laurie, reminding us he was a big TV star in Britain for 20 years or whatever before becoming House. As you may know, I am a big fan of House. Not the show, with the ludicrous medical information contained within making my head explode every time I attempt to watch it, but the character. I think Mr Laurie is ridiculously good-looking and his crankiness as House is quite hot (hey, we cranky people have to stick together). In fact, I once hotlisted someone almost entirely because he used House as his avatar. I should probably be embarrassed to admit that, but whatever.

Well, in this EW snippet they have pictures of Mr Laurie in his other roles and...not so hot and not so good-looking. And I am perplexed. Is it the beard he has now that makes him drool-worthy? Or is it the scowl?



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