Wednesday, January 9, 2008

yay, Hillary!

I swore I would never do politics in this blog, because it'd only get me in trouble, but I just wanted to say that. Now I'll shut up about this election and never mention it again.

Because you really don't want to know what I think about Obama or Romney.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, the fact you want to see Bill in a dress and apron handing out cookie recipes is not a good reason for Hillary to get your vote. :p

Besides, do you really want to see Bill hanging around the intern office with lots of time on his hands? OK, I actually think that would be fun. But, you know, I'm a prevert.

Besides Hillary's totally appealing to the over 40 (or is it over 30?) liberal female demographic. Do you really want to be reduced to your demographic identity?

Just to show your refusal to be controlled by the Clinton political machine, switch parties and vote for Huckabee instead... Cause Hillary or Obama (or Edwards or...) will just wipe the floor with him.