Thursday, January 17, 2008

and a wee cafeteria update

I noticed when I was just over there that they have removed the nutritional information signs. Whether this is because they know that their calorie amounts were ::ahem:: wrong or whether they just had an outcry from employees like me saying, "Y'know, we'll buy a lot more of your food if you don't actually tell us what's in it" or some third reason altogether, I could not tell you. But I feel it is a positive development.



Anonymous said...

Hey, if you'll recall my months ago blog moment, I don't buy pastries from our building cafe because I can't tell what's in it... Though I can probably place an educated guess as to the caloric content of most of those Iggy's and Carberry's baked goods.

However, I wonder if some of the nutritionists at your hospital got a look at those calorie counts and said, just like you, "No fucking way." Or words to that effect.

Uncle said...

Long ago, when I went to cocktail parties for a living, I rationalised that "free food has no calories."

Let's move it up a notch and suggest that all food without nutrition labels is good for you.

malevolent andrea said...

Okay! Nutrition labels were back today, and according to today's offering, a broccoli and ricotta calzone has 563 calories.

Make of that what you will.

Anonymous said...

OK, now that one I believe!

Just hope they didn't leave off the most significant digit... Or assume one of those bogus serving sizes of 1/4 of a calzone... Like those small individual Uno's pizzas at the grocery store that claim a "serving size" is 1/3rd of an already small pizza.

Uncle said...

It's the broccoli: it neutralises the calories in the bad stuff.