Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday observations

1.) The internet is not a good place for hypochondriacs. I was telling Mr Indemnity that when I woke up in the middle of the night not feeling well, I convinced myself that I was probably septic and wouldn't wake up this morning. He said, "Really? What are the symptoms of that?"

So I sent him links.

2.) Can we all send good vibes out into the universe that naked Viggo will win the Academy Award?

Sure we can.

3.) Cocksucker.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.



Anonymous said...


Was there a relationship between your pondering of the naked Viggo Mortensen and your thinking of the favorite Deadwood expletive? :p

And now that I've learned of a likely rapidly fatal disease which has, as a primary symptom, "a feeling of impending doom"(!) I'm not sure I'm going to be sleeping at all... cause after reading about it I've got that doom-y feeling already! ;)

malevolent andrea said...

Isn't that just the *best* totally vague, yet incredibly ominous, symptom that you could possibly convince yourself you have at 2 am?

As to Viggo and implied sexual acts, I remain totally without comment. :-)

Uncle said...

By the standard of "a feeling of impending doom," I've been dead 40 years.

But hey, you missed the only really important piece of news this Friday: it's just three weeks to the start of spring training.

I'd say, "so fuck Viggo Mortensen," but that would just take the conversation in another circle.

malevolent andrea said...

And I don't even have a feeling of impending doom about my Red Sox this year!