Tuesday, January 15, 2008

one more stupid question

Then I'm off the computer, swear to god.

So, if a guy holds the door for you going into Dunkin' Donuts because he is a gentleman, should you then step aside and let him go ahead of you in line, because otherwise you are penalizing him for his good manners? This happened to me last week, and I didn't--I didn't even think of it until too late--and then I felt like a rude clod. Does it make a difference if there were two people working the counter and he only had to wait an extra 30 seconds? Does it make a difference that the gentleman in question works at the 7-11 next door to the Dunkin' Donuts and thus recognized me, by face at least, as being one of his customers?

Yeah, I'm stretching.



Uncle said...

If he didn't hold the door for you, then body check you to get ahead of you in line, he's a saint.

What happens if you thank him, get ahead of him in line, and ask what he's having?

malevolent andrea said...

Goddamnit. That's totally what I should have done. Now I feel even more rude.

Uncle said...

Sorry. Tell me where he works and I'll tell him to throw the body check next time.