Thursday, January 17, 2008

lack of content

I'm sure I'll write something intelligent and substantive some time soon (though I'm not betting money on it), but in the meanwhile, a few more odds and ends.

True or false: Billy Idol, "White Wedding", best video evah. I may or may not be slightly embarrassed to admit both that I like this song and that I insisted forcefully that the radio be cranked up very loudly when it came on the other day, but I will not waver in my belief that, visually, in style and content, the video was sublime. (Now let's have a brief moment of silence for the 80s, when one could spend hours lying on one's couch in one's crappy apartment watching videos on MTV [on stolen cable] when one was supposed to be studying for A&P exams and such.)

Next topic! I was watching South Park reruns with D last night before I went to bed, and then Cops. I'm not sure how old this episode of Cops was (being hard to date such things by normal means such as clothing, what with wife-beaters or the lack of a shirt altogether apparently being a timeless universal clothing choice for all arrestees), but in a john sting with policewomen prostitutes, the officers were harping about how important what they were doing was in preventing these johns from bringing AIDS home to "their wives and families." And I'm thinking, Dude. The only way they're bringing it home "to their families" is if they're raping their kids. I mean, even if they're bringing it home to their wives, they aren't even endangering their unborn children, because to the best of my knowledge, medical science is pretty damn good at preventing HIV transmission to the fetus in infected moms these days. So, how 'bout just encouraging using condoms with crack hos and stop wasting tax dollars on this nonsense. Or come up with another new lame excuse. Either one.

Final topic. So, speaking of South Park, does anyone know what Angelina Jolie did to piss off Matt and Trey so much? Because she totally doesn't seem to be the obvious punchline to that joke at the end of the lice episode.



Anonymous said...

I think there's a shirtless/wifebeater/drunk requirement on all Cops shows. Is that because crime is often class dependent, or because people who can wear more clothing know enough not to sign the release form?

Speaking of arresting (or, in this case, not arresting) johns, did you see that recent Globe article about the cops doing prostitution stings at hotels in... Woburn, maybe? Somewhere out 128 way.

They were busy going after high end prostitution in local hotels. Multi-hundred dollars a pop prostititution. Definitely not crack ho's. And I was wondering why the hell they were wasting multiple cops time and effort on many hours surveillance, reading Craig's List, etc. Shouldn't they be going after real crime that actually bothers someone--and if they hotels don't like what's happening in their rooms, they're free to kick the guests out themselves.

(When I left AIDS research they'd lowered perinatal HIV transmission to only about 6% with a very few doses of antiretrovirals, and it's probably gotten much better now. Though doing nothing at all the perinatal HIV transmission rate was, surprisingly, only 25%, much of which was thought to actually happen during delivery).

malevolent andrea said...

Re: "I think there's a shirtless/wifebeater/drunk requirement on all Cops shows. Is that because crime is often class dependent, or because people who can wear more clothing know enough not to sign the release form?"

I'm voting for the latter rather than the former just because when I lived in the 'hood, I saw people wearing actual shirts every single damn day. I don't think there's any rule that poor people can't wear garments with sleeves. :-)

Anonymous said...

It's really annoying on here that one can't edit one's comments... please mentally delete the superfluous "can" from the above quote.

And perhaps you were in a sleevey hood cause you live in a place where it's too fucking cold half the year, and the Cops producers like warmer, drunker, less sleeve inducing climes?

malevolent andrea said...

No, that's the Cops paradox! We always laugh about it at my house. They'll be dragging some shirtless guy away and we'll be going, "Wait! Isn't this Minnesota?" :-)