Tuesday, January 8, 2008

oh, Roger, oh, Britney

Roger, sweetie, just shut up. Nobody believes you and your righteous indignation. (Just once I would like to see some public figure get caught with their hand in the cookie jar and admit that they did something wrong. I don't care if they apologize or if they say, "hey, everyone else does it," just don't insult my intelligence with your lame denials.)

Britney, Britney. I don't know. Are you bipolar? The whole head-shaving, umbrella-wielding, crotch-baring few weeks last spring may fit with a manic episode, but if so, why didn't they figure that out when you went to "rehab"? You'd think in a fancy-shmancy many-hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars country club drug detox they'd have competent psychiatric staff, wouldn't you? So I'm not sure I'm quite buying this. But we'll see.



Craig H said...

The fascinating part, to me, is Roger's assertion that the absence of a supplier coming forward to confirm the source of the drugs is sufficient grounds for his denial of the existence of the drugs. Which is to say, Brian's assertion that he injected Roger's butt with funny stuff (how funny that Roger's afraid of needles) cannot be believed without a pharmacy receipt, even though Roger is stipulating to the existence of the needles.

Yeah, a lot of folks go to their personal trainers for vitamin and painkiller injections. And those same lot of folks undoubtedly have pharmacies that could easily attest to the source of the injectable vitamins and painkillers, which aren't exactly over the counter items, but, no, Roger has to hang his entire reputation (and freedom from a federal perjury indictment a la Barry Bonds) on the prosecution's lack of spent cartridges to go with their smoking McNamee gun.

I cannot wait for Larry Flint to put the bounty out for the pharmacist holding the receipts. Sure, there's a chance Roger's a bit smarter than Gary Sheffield about putting his own name on his internet order, but have you ever listened to Roger in an interview?

This one is going to be GOOD!

malevolent andrea said...

"Sure, there's a chance Roger's a bit smarter than Gary Sheffield about putting his own name on his internet order, but have you ever listened to Roger in an interview?"

Oh, I laughed and laughed. :-)

The more I think about it, the more I would like the following to happen (and, yeah, I do understand the myriad of reasons that it won't and why, even if it did, it would be yet another untruth): I would love one of these athletes to step forward and say, "Hell, yeah, I used HGH (or anabolic steroids or whatever banned substances). I thought it was the best way I could help my team."

Because, as you know, it is whether you win or lose, not how you play the game. :-)

Craig H said...

It just keeps getting better and better! (And we haven't even begun to scratch the Britney surface yet)

Here's the latest shoe to drop in the Roger vs. Brian cataclysmic downward spiral of depravity:


Uncle said...

It's rude of me to quote my own blog, but sure I believe Roger didn't take steroids. Just like I used to believe we only read Playboy for the literature, and that those cigarettes tasted funny because they were stale.