Monday, March 21, 2011

this just in

Congratulations, Andrea [name redacted]!

NCBTMB is pleased to inform you that your certification has been extended through: . Thank you for helping to advance the field of massage therapy and bodywork - and for your continued commitment to professionalism and ethical practice.

Your new certificate and recertification packet should arrive in the mail within the next week or so.

I guess it's not going to take three to four weeks after all and no one's got to perjure themselves! My check must have cleared. That M2, I should never doubt her.

Oh, and in other follow up? I see in amongst all that writing I've been doing, I managed to somehow delete what I wrote on Saturday. Son of a bitch. It was only a couple paragraphs of the next scene, but still.



Uncle said...

In my line, we too have CEUs and audits, and I just got audited. Fortunately, no one pushed the question of my ethics too hard.

Doesn't erasing your work make you think about going back to pens?

malevolent andrea said...

Seriously! Luckily I was able to recreate what I lost without difficulty.

Hope your audit wasn't too painful.