Friday, March 25, 2011


Remember how I told you I was doing my fantasy baseball due diligence so that I might take my bunch o' losers right up to mediocre this season? Here's a wee little tidbit from a writeup about possible future closers for the Baltimore Orioles: "[Alfredo] Simon has some experience in the role as well and may be an option if he escapes manslaughter charges in his native Dominican Republic." Oh, the lulz, the lulz. I had better make sure that none of the douchebags I plan on possibly drafting have any criminal cases pending, huh? God, not only do you have to worry about their elbows or their propensities to choke or whether they put on 30 pounds over the off-season, you gotta check whether they've killed anyone lately. Allegedly.

It's a good thing I'm not busy in work this afternoon! This might take awhile. Ahem.



crispix67 said...

What-someone in baseball (allegedly) killed someone too? It's not just for NFL players anymore??

Craig H said...

You'll be happy to know that Ubaldo is on the team I took over in a second keeper league. (You know how I always have to have more than one).

malevolent andrea said...

Ms Crispix: I *know*! I thought the only illegal activities you had to worry about with baseball players involved HGH and other injectables.

Mr Barma: You're so funny. And everyone should have a Ubaldo. Share the love!

Craig H said...

Don't forget baseball players and their underage girlfriends, a la Mr. Clemens

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, yeah. That is another category they misbehave in.