Friday, March 4, 2011


Have I ever used that as a blog title before? Something tells me "yes" but no worries. Everyone's Friday is better with a little Bowie. Trust.

On my way to work this morning I noticed that the AJ Wright they just opened a few months ago (the one I thought was gonna be an AC Moore [but not an LL Bean]) is now a TJ Maxx. If this happened like three weeks ago and I just haven't been paying attention, don't tell me, okay? Was the whole company bought out? In any case, I hope it means the quality of the merchandise will go up so that I might occasionally shop there.

In other news, while as mentioned, I really like my new glasses, I've been thinking they make me look older by drawing attention to the brackets around my mouth (i.e. the wrinkles I *don't* like). However just now in the bathroom here in work, putting them on and taking them off, it occurred to me that perhaps it isn't that they draw attention to my wrinkles, it's that when they're on I can fucking see my wrinkles better. Oops. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT? I'M CLOSER TO DEATH THAN HIGH SCHOOL!

Happy Bowie-ful Friday. At 11 am send good boob thoughts my way.


Addendum: Left boob is, as expected, just fine (if cyst-ridden), though in the words of both the ultrasound tech and the radiologist, I'm "lumpy-bumpy." That, apparently, is the technical term. Who knew?


Uncle said...

Re breast: don't you lurv Medical terminology? If you figure out the Latin for lumpy-bumpy, you too can earn a place in the medical dictionaries.

Seems to me I read somewhere that AJ Wright was closing a slew of stores. Apparently being newly or almost opened was as good as fully opened. Since I liked them about as much as Ocean State Job Lots (ick!) I wasn't too upset.

malevolent andrea said...

I have never been in one, but the Benevolent L loves OSJL! There's one near her mom's house on the cape where hse's always finding stuff. I don't have the patience for those kind of stores. My mom loved Building 19 probably more than she loved me and her grandson combined, but I haven't been back in there since she died.