Wednesday, May 12, 2010

things i need to tell you, for some definition of "need"

Do you guys know who fuckin' (cheater cheater) A-Rod is dating now? Cameron Diaz. I've never like her, so I don't even have to suck down some haterade! But, y'know, another blond? Way to be predictable. Is it a fetish or something? Wouldn't you want to bang a brunette or redhead once in awhile, just for variety's sake? I don't understand. Explain to me.

The is-Elena-Kagan-a-lesbian-or-not bullshit is irritating me no end. I don't see unmarried, short hair, and played softball as irrefutable evidence, dudes. Nor do I see "dated guys in college" as an irrefutable defense. But since I don't think it's anyone's damn business either way, STFU, news media and pundits. Shut up shut up shut up.

Speaking of politics (ha!), and defying my oh god who cares stance, I must admit I clicked on this. And was disturbed. He's fucking creepy, and I can't tell if it's because all guys looked creepy in the 80s or because he has the eerie Ken doll resemblance. I mean, don't you look at those photos and picture a smooth and featureless groin and knees that don't bend? Just me? Okay.



Uncle said...

If I had any idea how to account for anything A-rod does, it'd mean I'm spending way too much time watching the Yankees.

The Elena Kagan crap just shows how many people with unresolved sexual orientations are out there, but especially in the media and politics. Some of them make the biggest hypocrites.

As for Scottie, don't you just want to know exactly *how* the hands were excellent?

It's sad though, when it's a choice between the Ken doll and the robot, Mass. voters chose the Ken doll.

Don't you think the featureless groin goes along with the rest of the package?

Back to your rant.

malevolent andrea said...

No. No, I do *not* want to exactly how the hands were excellent, but thank you VERY much for placing that disturbing thought in my mind. Now where the fuck is the brain bleach? hahahaha