Monday, May 24, 2010

a few notes

1.) One great thing about fantasy baseball is that it allows me new targets for my seething hatred and thus I don't have to get so upset about social issues, the media, and politics. Seattle Mariners bullpen? Eat shit and die.

2.) I came home from yoga yesterday morning and my dad says to me, "So what's this yoga supposed to be doing for you anyway?" I said, "It's making me strong and flexible." "Why do you want to be strong and flexible?" Oh, Jesus wept. Do you people see what I put up with? Um, because it's preferable to being weak and inflexible? What I said was, "So when I'm 84, I don't walk like this!" ::demonstrate bent-over shuffling walk:: "I don't walk like that!" Which is true, he really doesn't. It was a kinda mean thing to say. However, my other snarky reply was, "So there are more sexual positions I can get into," and at least I didn't go there.

3.) Here's a link to an article about the health, not weight, benefits of intermittent fasting. I have no idea whether the science in the referenced studies holds up, because, like I said, for every study that says one thing about nutrition and weight loss, there's another one contradicting it. But I think it's interesting. I'm on day 6 and doing great. Yesterday, not only did I do my 75 minutes of yoga, I went on a two hour hike later in the day, and I didn't see any negative impact on my energy or endurance. Felt really good, actually.

4.) Mr Indemnity claims he is not going to let me copy his new Exile on Main Street reissue because I will just listen to it on my iPod compressed. I am not totally sure he is joking. I will therefore remind you, and him, about what hipster puppies would say about this:

"barney is more concerned with “dynamic range compression” and “the loudness wars” than the fact that he has shitty taste in music"

5.) And just because I didn't realize I had this downloaded onto my work computer and it is the cuteness, and this is a full-service blog, I give you again:

Happy Monday, bitches!



Anonymous said...

Hey, Barney is rocking some Grado 225's around his very thick neck, thus showing he actually knows something of what he's talking about...

On the other hand, that weird "record player" behind him is a POS that will not only damage his vinyl, but also sound so bad he'd be better off with some dynamic range compression as an alternative. So I'm guessing Barney is likely more status seeking that knowledgeable. Especially given that "dynamic range compression" and "the loudness wars" are pretty much the same thing, thus he's using the wrong conjunction as well as the wrong playback equipment.

P.S. I'll let you copy "Exile on Main Street" if you do it with Apple Lossless compression. Otherwise, why bother to get the reissue when you can just listen to the old crappy CD master with all the lossy compression that you've already got? I mean, let's be real here.

malevolent andrea said...

Remind me. Why am I your friend again?
