Thursday, May 27, 2010

(mostly) everything's right in the world

Here's my evidence.

Ubaldo *9*, baby. 9-1. It's not even June. Think of the possibilities. He could conceivably win 25 games. I know he probably won't, but it's in the realm of the possible. Oh, my favorite Dominican.

You know who else won yesterday? That would be me. We kicked ass at trivia. Now I know every time I brag about that, we then are thoroughly humiliated the next week, but I thought you should all know anyway. And in further bragging, I wore my vintage dress out last night, which you may or may not remember the story of, and it fits so nice now and I looked so cute. If I do say so. Leading to further proof that, yes, this peeing on an effin stick thing is working.

Various friends and acquaintances are having important and exciting things happening in their lives tomorrow, like birthing babies and playing gigs and so on and so forth, and I am full of vicarious pleasure at their getting what they really want.

And there's no work on Monday.

And I started the day out just right today.

The only*** chink in this sea of positivity? As you may have remembered, I have That Asshole Lackey on my fantasy team and I sat him last night (after *not* sitting him against Philly because D convinced me I should give him a shot) and the fucker suddenly remembered how to pitch. Or the (they'll always be Devil) Rays forgot how to hit. Whatever. Oh well.


***Second chink? The cat killed another chipmunk (but thankfully did not dismember or eat it) yesterday morning. Apparently she knows where the nest is this year and will keep bringing us one every few days till the genocide is complete. This is not good news if you are a chipmunk. Also, they're pretty damn cute. But circle o' life and all that bullshit.


Uncle said...

A friend from Vermont has a yard infested with chipmunks. He calls them rats with better tailors. Since EK is gonna win this one, you might want to hang onto that thought.

malevolent andrea said...


I think I will!