Wednesday, February 3, 2010

not so private parts of famous people

Just for Mr Indemnity, 'cause he asked nicely and I'm eating my lunch.

Taken from gofugyourself:

I guess you can't bleep *cleft*to protect the innocent children of America (or, like, y'know, me.) I might possibly be scarred for life from this. Yeast infection waiting to happen too, yo.



Anonymous said...

I'll give it a big thumbs up.

From the waist down, anyway.

I've long thought America was woefully short of genital display on broadcast TV.

('Course, that still could be photoshopped to emphasize the apparent display of her nether region. I didn't see it live. Then again, you do have to applaud her for practicing a high quality shaving technique.)

(You're sure there's not a body stocking going on there?)

malevolent andrea said...

Even if there's a body stocking going on there, that's still labia majora. Who would photoshop that *in*?

Jean said...

Shaving? Oh Mr. Indemnity, which millenia do you live in? :-) Wax job for sure.

There are other photos out there--ones that Gaga may have posted herself from Twitter--where there is an even more pronounced camel toe.

Anonymous said...

Well, Lady Gaga is an good, unmarried Catholic girl. I'm assuming she wouldn't let anyone near her naughty bits with hot wax until her wedding night.

However, given my Middle Eastern genetic heritage, I'm all in favor of camel toe, waxed or otherwise.

(Who would photoshop it in? Got you talking about it, didn't it? ;-) )

malevolent andrea said...

There are so many things I could say, but I think I'll just shut up now :-)

Jean said...

"I'll never talk again, oh boy, you've left me speechless. You've left me speechless..."

Sorry, I couldn't let the insert-lady-gaga-lyrics-here-moment pass.

malevolent andrea said...

That's awesome! I didn't even know I was giving y'all a setup line.