Sunday, June 1, 2008

if you are keeping track'll remember that I said I had to save a May baseball-themed blog post for Manny's #500. Ahem.

Better late than never, Manuel, and I'm sorry I missed it, but I went to bed ridiculously early last night, overwhelmed with fatigue of unknown origin. (It's not like I had a particularly grueling day at work yesterday; I spent the last hour and a half of it shopping online for a frame for my new print and a shower curtain. As an aside, I don't know what the fuck has happened to my work ethic. I never used to waste time I was getting paid for like that. As another aside, I'd like to alert you all to the fact that Tarzhay online has far, far more items than they carry in their stores, and often free shipping offers. Plus, if you have an amazon account, you can checkout with that. It's genius.)

Where was I? Oh, yeah, Manny. Congrats, and I think I'm even more fond of you than ever on learning that your middle name is "Aristides." Actually, I guess I'm even more fond of your mom. Mrs. Ramirez, you obviously rock. Except your name probably isn't Mrs. Ramirez, and I'll be arsed if I can be bothered to google whatever it is. (See, there's that missing work ethic again. Um, I don't have to * any of this, do I, readers? You're keeping up with me, right?)

See, this is what happens when I get ten hours sleep. It's not pretty. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got people to go harass in e-mail.


Addendum! Mr Barma has kindly informed me that Manny's mom's name is Onelcida Ramirez and his dad is Aristides. Therefore, we can conclude that it is actually Manny's grandmother who rocks, and that Onelcida is not one of those old skool Hispanic ladies who doesn't take her husband's name when she gets married. Glad we cleared that up.

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