Thursday, June 26, 2008

conversations with M2 and updatery

I had lunch with M2 yesterday and got a massage, which is not a bad way to spend one's day off, all things considered. We ate at a vegetarian, not to say vegan, restaurant, outside in a little tiny courtyard which was, by the time we finished our hour and a half of gabbing, pretty much our own, all the other poor suckers having had to go back to work. Ha!

One of the things M2 ordered was a watermelon gazpacho and it made me remember what was probably the peak eating experience of my entire life. 1996, late July, somewhere in the Village, sitting in a cafe in a window open to the sidewalk, in the midst of falling in love/lust/deep infatuation, and eating cold strawberry soup. I had never before and have never since eaten anything like that soup and I probably never will again. Not even if the chef came to my house and used the same recipe with strawberries he grew and picked himself. Just perfection in every way. (The lust probably had something to do with that.)

M2's watermelon gazpacho was not of this caliber, but we had a very pleasant meal. Except, you know? We split a vegan brownie? And, while tasty, it was the consistency of fudge. I don't think you can make real brownies without chicken embryos.

During my massage, M2 was telling me how loose and open my low back felt and asked if I was still doing the yin yoga faithfully. I had to admit that I've been slacking. (It's summer. I've been walking. There's only so much physical fitness I can cram into one day and still cook dinner, blog, and look at stuff for my redecorating. Give me a break. Sigh.) Well, she was of the opinion that all those weeks and months that I was working on my low back and hip openers was still showing an effect, because my QLs felt really, really strong while being not in the least hypertonic. So, yay, Andrea's QLs. I should probably go back to working on them, though, because I'm sure they'll start atrophying and tightening up any day now.

In other news, I finally bit the bullet and tried to put in the new deadbolt...and it went great! The back door can now actually be locked from the inside again. Yay, Andrea's mad locksmithing skillz. I'm so proud of how much money I saved doing this myself. I rock, I tell you what. Now to buy the exact same deadbolt and fix the other door.

Oh, and my super-discounted luxury bedding finally arrived, including my 800-thread count sheets, which are thick as a mofo and a very rich saturated color, but not the sublime sleeping experience I was visualizing. The bed looks good though.



Uncle said...

See? Told ya you could do the deadbolt!

Me, I need better healthcare companions. Spent part of the p.m. having my shoulder looked at (Is "geez, what a mess! a diagnosis?) 800..count...sheets.

malevolent andrea said...

1.) *You* tell me. Is there an ICD-9 code for "what a mess"? If not, it can't be a dx. ;-)

2.) Yes, thank you so much for the deadbolt support! I needed someone to tell me it was easy-peasy.

Anonymous said...

It's not the size of the count that matters, but the way that it's weaved. ;-)

Cool on the deadbolt, though. Now those home invaders will have some extra work to do next time!

malevolent andrea said...

What?!??!!? No love for my QLs????


Anonymous said...


I have no idea what a QL is!

Though I suspect you have somehow topped my extremely lame attempt at a pseudo-risque comment!

Anonymous said...

Ah, a rereading leaves me with the knowledge that QL's are some part of your anatomy that aren't "hypertonic"...

I still don't have a clue what that means unless I do some surreptitious Googling, but it sounds like that's a good thing. :-)

To tell you the truth, though, I think I'm still more impressed by the deadbolt. ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

What?!?? Are you telling me you *skim* my blog? Honestly, you better watch out before you get taken out of the FAQ.

You're on thin ice, mister.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't skim, I read.

I just don't remember so well.

Mostly the parts that mean nothing to me, like QL and hypertonic.

You could pay for me to go to massage therapy school so I could have the proper background for integrating the entire blog. ;-)

Uncle said...

All those with anatomy in their education must shut up and let Mr Indemnity sweat it out.