Monday, June 2, 2008

home deeeeeepot

I think I may have mentioned before, but I do so love going to the Home Depot. It reinforces my little fantasy world in which I am really the kind of person who could re-tile her own bathroom blindfolded and with one hand tied behind her back.

Anyway, yesterday there I was, wandering through, picking up paint swatches, some more (gold) furniture paint, and a new small paintbrush (did you know that you have *one* chance to get a paintbrush really clean, and that's immediately after you use it? I do now) and I wandered into the lock section. Well, here's the thing. I now have two, count 'em, two, doors in my house that need new deadbolts, because they can only be locked from outside with the key. I've been putting off calling a locksmith because after the recent glass door replacement, I'm just not in the mood to write big checks to random tradesmen. So, yeah, I wandered by the deadbolts in Home Depot and thought, how hard can it be? See: re-tiling fantasy above. So, y'know, I bought one. Then I chickened out. I have not taken the door apart yet. But HOW HARD CAN IT BE????

It occurred to me that perhaps the perfect grandfather of my future step-grandchildren would be a contractor, if, y'know, we're making up a wish list. So maybe I ought to hang around Home Depot more, flirting with mens who look like they have a way with ::ahem:: power tools. In fact, I should probably have been flirting with the guy in front of me in line buying the huge load of lumber. I mean, he was a little short and bandy-legged, but he had a big truck! All life is trade-offs.

(Do I need to * any of this? We do all realize I'm not really planning on hanging out in Home Deeeeepot looking for a guy who'll say, "Gimme ten minutes and I'll pop that deadbolt right in," don't we? Though, actually, you could give that line a really filthy read if you were so inclined. But I'm not hanging out in Home Depot for that, either. Seriously. Keep up.)



Uncle said...

There's only one thing more plentiful in Home Depot than home improvement watzits....setup lines.

I'll dutifully ignore at least three I counted and simply say yes, if the door is in place, aligned and drilled so as to fit your new lock, ordinary mortals can do this job. It's that other stuff that's a killa.

Ordinary Mortal

malevolent andrea said...

See, that's what I need: encouragement. Or enabling. It's a fine line. :-)