Wednesday, June 4, 2008

more quick hits

1.) Another good mail day! All the stuff I ordered has arrived, including the frame/mat for my print, and as predicted, the matting alleviates the problem I had with the darkness. Looks good.

2.) I've been listening to the B-52s' greatest hits pretty solidly for four days, and I have a question and a comment. Well, a question/comment and a comment. First of all? "Then I'm gonna kiss your pineapple"? I mean, from context, it's pretty clear what we're talking about, but I've just never heard that particular euphemism. I don't know about you but mine isn't, y'know, prickly. Secondly, the song "Is That You, Mo-Dean?" reminds me, inexplicably, of my friend G. That part about "Well, it had been 987 years in outer space time when I got back. Couldn't seem to find any of my friends to tell my interesting stories to"? G is just the kind of person who would get abducted by a UFO and come back with a series of absolutely hilarious anecdotes about the experience (and be slightly disappointed if all his friends were too dead to listen to them.) I hope I remember to make this observation to him the next time I see him.



Uncle said...

I'm gonna put up an absolutely random comment because dear lord it looks like the groupies have *not* been holding up their end here. No good, no good!

malevolent andrea said...


Your fellow Frequent Commenters have been legitimately busy, so we mustn't judge them. Mr Indemnity was at Fenway last night whilst Mr Barma was kicking ass and taking names playing a make-up soccer game in the rain.

And, besides, you *know* no one was gonna touch the anal bleaching thing in public. Y'all being such models of decorum. :-)