Tuesday, June 10, 2008

is it just me?

I just overheard a brief news item, about a little girl in (?) South Carolina who shot herself in the chest in a Sam's Club store. With a gun that was in her grandmother's purse. Gammy had a permit to carry, so she's not facing any charges.

Excuse me, but WTF? Do they not have laws about child endangerment?

If you can face criminal charges for leaving a child in a parked car--if you can face criminal charges for leaving your fucking golden retriever in a parked car--then one would think you could face charges for leaving your purse with a loaded gun in it where a preschooler could pick it up while you're busy comparing prices on a crateload of toilet paper or some such shit. I mean, I know you need your concealed weapon because god knows when some crackhead will try to jack you for your crateload of toilet paper in the Sam's Club parking lot, but y'know, there are safety measures incumbent upon you if you're watching (or not watching) a four year old.


I'm sure Gammy is really devastated and all. I'd still like to see her ass in jail.



Uncle said...

Nobody has yet said exactly why grandma was packin' in Sam's Club.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to one of those places?

If I wasn't armed myself I'm sure I'd want an escort who was packing heat.

Uncle said...

What, worse than Costco or BJ's? Where I just do my "meanest sumabitch in the valley" imitation...without a piece.

Anonymous said...

I was joking...

See, like M-A I need a flashing "just kidding" icon! ;)

I've actually only ever been to Costco--which I know is demographically way more upscale than the other two.

But until I started this Internet rumor, I never thought that Sam's Club was actually dangerous!

malevolent andrea said...

Pfft. The Costco you go to is in, like, Everett. If no one's jacked you for your toilet paper there yet, it ain't gonna happen. :-P

Anonymous said...

Hey, there's a reason I buy my Cottonelle at the FoodMaster in Somerville, not the Everett Costco.

I may like to live dangerously, but I'm not taking entirely stupid chances!

Uncle said...

So, see? It's not the club, it's where the club is. So now I wanna know about the town where Grannie does her shopping. **************

Grannie...kinda takes me back to the Beverly Hillbillies. That grannie used to pack a shotgun, I think.

malevolent andrea said...

Here's a link:


Gammy's 47, so I guess we can rule out senility as a cause for her criminal carelessness.

It's a cruel world when people who leave loaded handguns in their shopping carriages next to 4 year olds get to have grandchildren at age 47, yet I never will.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least Sam's Club doesn't explicitly prohibit guns in the store!

Guess they know what it's really like in those lawless aisles.