Friday, June 6, 2008

quoting yourself

I almost wrote an apology or disclaimer for this entry, but then I remembered we're not doing that any more. So FUCK YOU, reader, if this bores you. (Oh, c'mon, I don't have to * that, do I?)

Anyway, there I was, reading the fat/body acceptance blogs again, and I came across an interesting post on tattoos, and specifically, whether your tattoos are for art or for marking. I thought this was a brilliant question, frankly. Mine are for marking.

Occasionally people will be bemused that both of mine are on the back of my body, in places I can't easily see, even in a mirror. And I always say that they're not there for me (or anyone, really) to look at, they're there for me to know that they're there. I got both of them at times when I was going through changes in my life and I wanted to either commemorate who I am or remind myself of it. Also, since one is my initial and the other is a word, they feed a fascination in me with writing on the body. (It's a quirk, like the doorway/stairway/window thing. Deal.)

All that being said, as I think about what I would like to do some time in the future, it occurs to me I would like to go a step further and have, as some people do, a whole sentence/quote/line of verse tattooed on me. The problem with that little plan is that I don't particularly have a favorite quote. I have a few song lyrics that I particularly like, but I'm afraid of the whole irony problem. For instance, from "On a Plain": Love myself better than you Know it's wrong So what should I do? If I had "love myself better than you" tattooed on me, would I have to * it and have a second tat that says "*self-mockery, do not take seriously"? Actually, that'd be funny, but even I don't find my own jokes so amusing that I need them permanently inscribed on my body, yo.

I do have, however, a line or two of poetry that I've written myself (shut up) that I am particularly fond of, that symbolize certain feelings I have about who I am (much as my existing tats do) but which are opaque enough that the meaning wouldn't be apparent to the casual viewer. But then I think, Dude. Isn't that about the height of douchery to quote yourself in your tattoo? But then I also think that's just...I dunno...some kind of weird false self-deprecation. Why should one's own writing be less worthy than another person's?

Feel free to vote on this issue. Even if it's only to mock that I've ever written poetry. Kthx.



Uncle said...

I never mock anybody's poetry, chiefly because mine is well hidden.
However if you *really* want private tattoos with your own verse, you could consider shaving your head and tattooing the words on your scalp. Here I'll say yes, I've known it done. It hurts like hell (but the hair grows back), Now in certain cultures it would prove your supreme dedication to body art...and of course to your poetry.

malevolent andrea said...

The problem with that (really cool) idea is that then I'd have to take 4 months off from work. I mean, I could rock a bandana over the shaved head, but then people think you're in chemo and that's not a thought I wanna encourage.

Uncle said...

How about a purple club wig and a bandana on top of that?

malevolent andrea said...

Wigs are right out of the question. I can't even wear a hat unless it's 20 degrees out. My head needs to breathe free! :-)