Friday, March 21, 2008

spring cleaning and state licensure

I'm working on both, and do you think I can find copies of the letters of recommendation I had written for me last spring for my _________ city license? Everything else I needed to get together for this was right in the pile of folders and envelopes that I thought it all should be in. (Because, yeah, I've got an awesome filing system like that. Shut up.) But no letters. I cannot believe I wouldn't have kept copies for myself.

Anyway, I was going to retype them myself with new dates and the necessary changes of wording, then just present them to the people who were nice enough to do them for me last year to be signed, which would be more convenient for them and quicker for me. I guess I'll look a little more tonight.

Maybe instead of expensive sandals I should buy a filing cabinet.

(Actually I, and my friend L, and [if I can tell tales out of school] Mr Indemnity, are all very fond of going to places like The Container Store and IKEA, etc., and buying things which we are sure, like absolutely positive, will enable us to get everything in our houses perfectly organized forevermore. And it's absolutely useless. You are either a person who creates clutter or you are not, and as much as those California Closet and self-help book writers would like you to believe they have a system that will cure you of "filing" by making piles of folders of important documents in at least three or four different rooms in your house, that is crap. Your money is better given to the Kork-Ease people. Srsly.)


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