Thursday, March 27, 2008

can I just say?

More incompetence. More people not doing their jobs. More frustration on my part.

My back and neck are spasming and my jaw hurts from grinding my teeth last night. Plus, I'm eating chicken fingers at 11:30 in the morning because, apparently, food makes everything better.

I don't see how any of this is any good for my physical or mental health.

Can we just enact a national Just Do Your Fucking Job Day or something? Just one day a year when we can count on people not to be incompetent, blase, and full of suckage? That's a holiday I could get behind.


Addendum! All is now (supposedly) resolved. Maybe it's Do Your Fucking Job After People Harrass Your Boss Day.


Anonymous said...

The problem with creating Just Do Your Fucking Job Day is that it would give people even more license to fuck off the other 364/365 days a year.

Kind of like working in France. ;)

malevolent andrea said...

You saw "Sicko", right?

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I actually didn't see Sicko. It was out during my Topamax period, I think.

How does it relate?

malevolent andrea said...

Mr Moore speaks to some American ex-pats in Paris, and let us just say, life there is very sweet. The thesis being that the government there is afraid of the citizens, whereas here the citizens are afraid of the government.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd believe that... especially with France's revolutionary past and continuous institutional indoctrination in liberté, égalité, fraternité.

But I've also heard that with France's strong pro-employment laws people aren't afraid of their bosses either (since it's almost impossible to fire someone once they're a permanent employee) so the concepts of "customer service" or even "working hard" are pretty far down the list of employee priorities. ;)

I probably should see Sicko sometime. :)

(I was just thinking this morning about how in the US it's so often the crazy right-wingers who complain about schools "indoctrinating their children" in the homosexual agenda or liberal agenda or evolutionary/atheistic agenda, while in places like France it's just assumed that public schools will indoctrinate all the children into the same leftist/socialist/egalitarian agenda that permeates the whole society and creates social cohesion. From what I've observed it seems those citizens would be shocked if the schools weren't doing that.)

Anonymous said...

"[T]he government there is afraid of the citizens, whereas here the citizens are afraid of the government."

This is the very reason why in Paris it's the suburbs that are full of rioters and disaffected youth, not the city center.

In the mid-19th century, when Napoleon III commissioned Baron Haussmann to make Paris over from a medieval to a modern city, they deliberately developed the housing for the wealthy and powerful in the center of the city, reasoning that those are the people who would be most satisfied with the status quo and be least likely to revolt--and there'd been plenty of revolts in the preceding decades. Meanwhile the poorer people were pushed to the ringing outskirts of Paris where it was difficult for them to coalesce into a single central mass and where they were removed from the center of power and government they might wish to disrupt or take over.

The extra-wide boulevards were also intended to make it difficult for revolutionaries to barricade and to allow for the rapid movement of large numbers of troops as well as making for straight rifle and cannon shots down the main thoroughfares.

Afraid of their citizens indeed! :)