Sunday, March 30, 2008

and one more thing

Then I'm really over n' out.

On my aol welcome screen, there's a headline "Miley Cyrus caught stuffing her face." Click on it and you will find a picture of Miss Cyrus eating, omg, an order of McDonalds fries. Not twelve orders. Not fries, a BigMac, three shakes, and an EggMcMuffin. An order of fries.

Now, apparently, a fifteen year old girl eating an order of fries is something to be commented on disapprovingly. Way to instill and enforce food issues, eating disorders, and body hatred in all her twelve year old fans who are searching for pictures of her, you fucking immoral media vultures. May you rot in hell where you are forced to eat Mediterranean brownies for all eternity.



Anonymous said...

The thing is, you know that Miley Cyrus is probably two-thirds to one-half the weight of the jerk who wrote that caption and of the adults who read it with smug satisfaction.

Where does that superior attitude come from? If she was the size of Marlon Brando it would be one thing--and even then I'd find it offensive. Why the hell does a (theoretically) professional writer attach a line that might be uttered cattily in the high school lunch room, not added in a professional "publication".

And it brings to mind all the nastiness I see in the gossipy mags. If you read that sort of thing cause you admire celebrities and think they're cool, why do you want to see them torn down in a backstabbing fashion? Obviously those things sell, but I just don't get it.

You're right about the food issues. And seeing the rapidly increasing weight of most Americans, it's pretty obvious that shoving food issues and body hatred down people's throats is not doing what the food police thing it will. Perhaps quite the opposite.

malevolent andrea said...

Thanks for being outraged right along with me :-)

I'm still internally sputtering about how eating an order of fries does not equal stuffing your face.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that worrying about food just makes it a lot worse.

That sort of attitude, which turns food into morality, rather than nutrition, and utterly ignores the very real pleasure that food gives, really plays into that sort of unbending Puritanical Protestant American feeling that if you have one fry, you're lost to Jesus anyway, so you may as well go the whole hog.

whole hog... bbq... yummmmmm :p

Uncle said...

Used to be it was just Tom Wolfe observing what sanctimonious hypocrites infest the news media. Slowly, the message is spreading. Let the kid have her fries! Instead, turn the camera phone around to watch the pudgy reporter suck up his double whopper with whatever.