Sunday, March 30, 2008

learn from my experience

Oh, I am full of the advice and helpful tips this weekend.

Today's bit of wisdom? Should you be baking and realize that, goddammit, you are out of regular vegetable oil, do not, repeat, do not, just say fuck it and substitute the olive oil, which you have plenty of. Mediterranean brownies for everybody!

Sigh. In the words of Morgan Earp (and you know I've been waiting to use this): "I ain't shown myself to advantage, I am fully fuckin' aware."



malevolent andrea said...

Okay, addendum! So L came for dinner and a massage today, both of which she really needed, especially after the whole thing w/ S, but even before, and she says, "Um, are those brownies I saw in the kitchen?"

"Yeah, but I really wasn't planning on serving you one. I had a little problem with one of the ingredients."

"What did you leave out?"

"It's what I put in."

"Hahaha. Is there hash in your brownies?"

"What? You think it's 1981? No, I just made an unwise substitution. Let me give you a little tiny bite and you tell me if you can figure out what it is."

So, anyway, even after being told, she swore up and down that she could not taste olive oil in them. She had one for dessert, happily, and then she took one along with her to share w/ S at the hospital tonight.

So, even as we speak, my Mediterranean brownies are comforting the sick. Ha!

Anonymous said...

You know, if S takes a turn for the worse, you're going to feel terribly guilty. :p

I wonder if your tasting of the olive oil might be partially a placebo effect. I mean, you know you put it in there, and you realize that might not have been the best idea, so perhaps you taste it even if it's not very discernible?

What did the rest of your family say about it?

BTW, I'm calling first in line right now when you do make a nostalgic bake of those hash brownies you're subconsciously hankering for.

Anonymous said...

Or you could try them on some Greek friends and see if they think your brownies taste better than usual. ;)

malevolent andrea said...

That's what L thought, that I could only taste it b/c I was expecting to. I'll also say that the one I had this afternoon tasted less olivey than the one I had when they were warm, so maybe it mellows as it sits.

D doesn't eat brownies, and my dad has basically no taste buds left (you know the hazelnut mashed potato story), so I can't go by him. I'll have to wait to hear if S politely spit his into a napkin or not.

Anonymous said...

I think you should try a scientific experiment: make two identical batches of brownies, one with olive oil, one with the usual vegetable kind, and see if you (or anyone else) can tell the difference in a blind taste test.

D doesn't eat brownies????

Well, I'm always more than happy to "stuff my face" with his share.

Minus the olive oil, of course. :)

malevolent andrea said...

I know. D doesn't eat macaroni and cheese, either. Other than the fact he looks a lot like me and I was there when he was born, I'd be suspicious he wasn't my really kid.

Anonymous said...

While I don't really like mac and cheese either, I didn't think there was anyone who didn't like brownies.

Maybe he was taken over by those X Files evil aliens at birth?