Sunday, March 2, 2008

ar-ni-ca! ar-ni-ca!

Everyone get that joke? No? I hate when I think I'm being so freakin' clever and no one gets the reference.

Anyway! Today I went to the Mass AMTA meeting with my friends M2 and S, which besides--or despite--being free (I mean, other than my dues I've already paid), gave me 3 CEUs, a surprisingly sumptuous continental breakfast, lunch, and snack, and loads o' swag. Including the arnica. Plus, of course, the opportunity to win many many fabulous door prizes. Which, I didn't. But theoretically I could have come home with an Oakworks massage chair or an $800 gift certificate to the Upledger Institute.

So, all in all, despite having to get up really early on a Sunday, sitting through the snoozy business meeting part of the proceedings, and being wiped now, it was well worth it. And if you need any arnica rubbed on anything, I'm your girl.



Craig H said...

<---raising hand and playing up the little wince in hopes of proving that, if she's the gal with the arnica, he's the guy with the aches to need it.

malevolent andrea said...

I don't think you even need to fake wince, since rumor has it you made the Baby Jesus cry overdoing it with the athletics this weekend. If that's a baseless piece of gossip, you just keep it to yourself and you may get the arnica anyway. ;-)

Uncle said...

<~raising hand gingerly with the same hope. No athletics, just once again trying to prove that I'm NOT too old for home improvement.

As for the breakfast and lunch, never forget that free food has no calories.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least *I* got the Burma allusion. :p

And I could definitely have used some arnica on my calves the past couple of weeks. That was the primary part of me that got sore when clambering over all those archaeological sites.

Perhaps it was all the pyramid step climbing that did it.

Now that would be an idea for your New Age health club: a 200 foot tall mesoamerican pyramid to climb up and down, instead of stair climbers. Feel all that pyramidal energy. Though all the human sacrifices necessary to prepare it properly might be a bit difficult to arrange...

malevolent andrea said...

No! It wasn't a Burma allusion! You all disappoint me greatly ;-)

I had just watched the episode of The Wire where Bodie kicks out the cop car windows in grief after Little Kevin's body is found, and as twelve cops wrestle him down, someone in the crowd starts chanting, 60's style, "At-ti-CA! At-ti-CA!"

But it's not funny once you need to explain it. Sigh.

malevolent andrea said...

But kudos on the health club idea. Maybe they can sacrifice the dieters that don't need their goals for the month. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

OK, that allusion was a little too obscure... :p

Especially as I was just thinking "Hmmm... was she actually referencing A-nar-chy not Acad-e-my?" ;)

Though now that you mention it I do remember that scene.

malevolent andrea said...

That was the best scene ever, though horribly foreboding, since you knew watching it Bodie was gonna have to go down. Poor Bodie :-(

Anonymous said...

Well, I still think the best scene ever was the all "fuck" crime scene investigation from the very first season. :)