Friday, December 24, 2010

the xmas eve that doesn't feel like xmas eve

Evil Kitty started acting weird again last night, lethargic, howling, refusing food. "Goddamn it, cat," I told her, "do NOT die on Christmas, because I am on a very thin thread here." I was worried the vet's would be closed today, but I called at 8:30 and they were indeed open till 2 pm. They asked if I could be there by 9:20. Of course! And Evil Kitty is anemic again. 17, not 12, but 17 ain't good. The vet (ours was on vacay) said she probably was taken off the prednisone too soon. I told him the ultrasound vet was adamant she shouldn't be on it, and he said, yeah, it's a very delicate situation but she can't keep having this happen every three months either. (Note: yes, $265 visit today and we're going back Monday,; this cannot keep happening every three months.)

So then I came home and delivered my gratitude cookies (see comments for that) and then I went to Stop & Shop to buy veggies for tomorrow and a piece of fish for tonight. I line ahead of me was a woman with $60-something worth of groceries, whose debit card was rejected. "I was just at the bank," she said. "The money is in there. I'm about to cry any minute." She decides to try using the atm to see if her debit card will work there, but the atm inside the store was out of order. Her bank has by now closed. She decides she will go to their atm and asks the cashier and the manager who's come over if they will hold her stuff till she gets back. They promise they shall. And I'm standing there thinking, I should offer to pay for her stuff. Other than having just swiped my debit card at the vet's office, I honestly don't know why I didn't. And now I kinda feel like shit about it. Someone did something nice for me this week and here was my chance to pass it on. And I blew it. Sigh. No wonder my karma sucks so bad.

Oh, and I haven't wrapped presents yet. I had to sit down to eat my leftover chicken and type on the internet first, but I'ma get right on it. After I chug down this bottle of water so I can pour a glass of wine. Wrapping presents is traditionally an alcohol-fueled endeavour, yo. Plus it will probably make me feel better about my shortcomings as a human being!

If you are drinking and wrapping too, avoid paper cuts and remember scissors are sharp objects.


Twinkle twinkle.

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