Tuesday, December 21, 2010

do me a favor and don't put me in a box

I know you are all expecting me to be predictable and write an impassioned screed about how much I hate winter and snow and how it took 35 minutes to get home yesterday instead of 10 and how I couldn't go to the gym and now my schedule is all messed up and how if it gets crappy(er) today and my hairdresser cancels on me leaving me with roots for Christmas I will be homicidal and how months ago when I signed up for a work training on December 22 in fucking almost-Roxbury it seemed like a good idea at the time but now not so much. I know that is what you are expecting from me. But, hey, we have to mix it up a little.

So instead I am going to tell you that this morning, on the phone with my son, I realized there is another word I consistently butcher, at least in this one context. "D! Can you do me a favah?" If I were to use it in another sentence such as "I would be happy to do it as a favor to you" I would pronounce it correctly. This is odd. Maybe one only drops the R at the end of a sentence. Insert winky face here.

I like how I write this shit as if anyone is actually reading it. Too funny.



Uncle said...

I want to heah from the non-New England audience.

crispix67 said...

Well, y'all just talk funny, that's all. :-)

-signed the Damn Yankee :-)