Thursday, December 23, 2010

it's a christmas miracle

At some point while I was getting dressed this morning, the shoveling fairy came and cleared my walk and driveway. I am fairly sure it had to be one of the guys next door who a.) are the people who clear the mailbox if I don't b.) helped me bag up my leaves one time when they saw me out there doing it by myself and c.) finished snowblowing my driveway one time a couple years when the really heavy snow was clogging my snowblower and I gave up on shoveling for the night with plans to resume in the morning.*** But I am not positive. There were other people out on the street when I first woke up. Maybe one of them had a freak impulse to help thy neighbor.

So now I do not know how to approach this. Should I ask the first one of the guys next door that I come across whether they did it or not? Should I offer to pay them? Should I assume it was them and bring them some cookies? Or should I assume they did it just for their own satisfaction and just let it go? I'm leaning towards cookies, even though that is the kind of thing that will make me really really uncomfortable. I should suck it up and do it, right?


***To explain all this let me say the household consists of a couple that is older than I am and their three grown sons, all of whom are older than D and some or all of whom live there some or all of the time, plus some little tiny grandchildren who live there part or all of the time or just visit a lot. I can't keep track of all their comings and goings. The woman, with a husband and three sons, is not the type of woman who has thus ever had to rake a leaf, pick up a snow shovel, change her own oil, patch her own drywall, or haul out her own trash and recycling, etc. If her sons have therefore had the sexist idea that girls don't do such things implanted in them and therefore feel bad for me when they see me clearing snow, etc, I guess I can throw away any and all of my feminist principles and gratefully accept the kindness. Obviously I am a healthy non-elderly woman who can bag leaves and shovel snow just fine by myself. But as you know I really hate every second of it.


Craig H said...

Find out which one of 'em is the contractor, rock your hoodie on the way over with baked goods, and wake up, woman!

malevolent andrea said...

I can't do the cougar thing. I just can't take 'em seriously if I was technically old enough to birth 'em. They're chilluns.

Craig H said...

Seriously or not, there's a lot to be said for clear driveways, walkways and mailboxes, not to mention landscaped grounds and a well-maintained house. And I've seen you in a hoodie--there are young men who would gladly indulge your lack of seriousness at for a shot. ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

I suppose if I can keep getting my driveway cleared from pity or for cookies, I wouldn't even need to throw in any sex.

Uncle said...

Just let 'em think...and pass the cookies. I'm with Mr Barma all the way on this one.

Would this not also solve the leftover problem?

malevolent andrea said...

I did in fact use up a lot of the chocolate and butter scotch chips and coconut! I delivered the cookies to the lady of the house this morning after returning from the vet's. She had no idea this had taken place--in fact she looked at me like I had three heads--but promised to pass the cookies and my thanks along to the son who had been out shoveling.

So I did my best. And got rib of more baking crap.