Thursday, December 16, 2010

in which andrea decamps from under the furry blanket

So first yesterday, I changed into my gym clothes, including the sports bra and my sneakers. The sports bra and sneakers are crucial because otherwise? My gym clothes double very nicely as nap clothes. Then I went outside to get the mail. I told myself if I felt like I was in danger of hypothermia walking across my driveway to the mailbox, it would be okay to stay home. But honestly, it wasn't so bad. So, fairly excuseless, I bundled myself up in outerwear and I headed to the gym.

On the way, my sinuses were still killing me. I mean my whole head and face were aching. I started thinking the whole exercise thing was a big mistake and I probably would not be able to accomplish much. But I told myself that was okay. If I got there and felt like I shit, I could just take a nice not-too-strenuous walk on the treadmill and at least it would get my blood circulating. Well, I was in the building literally no more than 5 minutes when I started to feel better, and it occurred to me why. It's a Y. There's a big ass giant pool and a smaller pool. It is probably 75% more humid in that building than it is in my house. It also occurred to me that if I had half the brains I was born with, this would have occurred to me much sooner, and I would have looked up when open pool rec time was and brought a bathing suit. Because I'm sure being in the actual warm pool really would have fixed my sinuses right up. Anyway, I went on to do my whole lifting routine (except for lunges), and then spent 15 minutes really stretching, and I felt great when I left.

On very rare occasions, NOT being lazy works out for the best. I'm kinda sad I missed a nap chance, though.

In other news, I went to the downtown Salem post office today. Midmorning. The week before Christmas. They had, at first, one window open. One window. They had to be fucking with us, 'cause really? One window? Eventually a guy came out and opened up a second window. I think there were about 18 people in line as I finished and walked out the door. I must say, somewhat in their defense however, that the lady that eventually waited on me was a sweetie. I watched her look up all the various options for the woman ahead of me who was trying to get something to the Dominican ASAP. FedEX would guarantee it there tomorrow for $44, which is kinda amazing. The woman was going to take that option but after the post office lady produced the 6 frigging pages of forms that entailed, she changed her mind and decided to go with the post office's "Monday or Tuesday". I'm not sure the customer's written English was up to filling out all those forms in the post office without help. Anyway, as a postal employee, I gotta say this woman was very helpful and patient and pleasant, which takes the sting out of the long wait. A little.

And then, walking back to work through the historic district, which is in general very pretty in my opinion, it occurred to me why it looks especially pretty now. They ain't allowed to put up any of those tacky light-up plastic statues or any other kind of Christmas excess. However, I am sure that even in the 1700s, there must have been colonials with horrendous taste. Tackiness wasn't invented in the last 50 years. I'm sure there's some dark secret the historical commission is suppressing about how they really used to decorate. That's one conspiracy I'm willing to get behind, yo.

That's it for now.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

Satori! Think of the pool(s)as very big neti pots. And they will make your sinuses very happy.