Thursday, December 2, 2010

it's that time of year

So, as I just mentioned *not* in this blog, I bought my first Christmas present today. The number of people I need to actually buy anything for this year is small. Money for the niece and nephew. Money in the form of an American Express personailized gift card for my son (along with the stocking stuffers). Money towards the group gift to our docs at work. Money to buy cookie-making supplies because the chicks in my department have decided we're doing a cookie swap instead of secret santa. (Have I bitched about *that* yet? Pain in my fucking ass.) Mostly it's all hand over cash and effin' bake. But there are a few friends I exchange gifts with, and one of those has been taken care of. Yay, me.

That, boys and girls, is the sum total of my holiday preparation so far. Other than the fact that I cleaned the hell out of my house prior to Thanksgiving, so now all I have to do is keep it clean. Somehow. I did ask D last weekend whether we should start decorating and he said, no, it was too early. Probably this weekend I will attempt a bit of that. After last year's Merry Kitschmas, I really need to outdo myself.

There will, of course, be photos. Stay tuned. As they say.



crispix67 said...

Ive done nothing. Oh, I did buy a top to wear to a holiday party...does that count? LOL

Looking forward to seeing your pics :-)

malevolent andrea said...

I want to see pics of your fancy top. I just read an article on jezebel yesterday where the author was complaining about all the gorgeous sparkly tempting clothes in the stores because she and 90% of the rest of us never get invited anywhere fancy enough to dress up. :-)