Saturday, December 25, 2010

a christmas present for YOU

The management of The Adventures wishes you a lovely day full of prezzies, eggnog, Chinese food, obnoxious relatives, or whatever is your tradition, all y'all.



Uncle said...

When I worked in Salem tourism, I suggested we work a holiday promotion along the "Silent Night, Deadly Night" theme. People were shocked. I'm glad to see someone else shares my perspective ;-)

May midwinter bring good things to you and yours.

crispix67 said...

Hope you had a great holiday too :-) Mine was very peaceful and good. We had a White Christmas in Hotlanta! inch or two. (dont laugh)I stayed inside,watched a movie, called my parents and made Moroccan stew. :-) Oh, and played in the snow with 2 Newfoundlands-who had a blast in it!