Wednesday, December 29, 2010

okay, fine

Since you all refused to care about my very important lunch question, being too busy "having a life" or some kind of nonsense like that, I just going to tell you more things you can refuse to care about. That'll teach you.

1.) Do you know how much it costs to have a cat cremated if you do not want the ashes back in a nice little urn? $33. Do you know how much it cost to have a cat cremated and returned to you in a nice little urn that you can put on your mantle or something? Somewhere around a hundred dollars. I cannot give you an exact figure, because that is not the option I chose. For one thing, I do not have a mantle.

2.) When taking your cat's rigor mortis'd little corpse to the vet's office for said cremation, do you know what is exactly the right size and shape to transport it in after you decide just bringing it in a trash bag is...wrong? Your yoga mat bag. I'm going to relate this to M1 when I see her at work next week and she is going to say to me once again, "Only you, Andrea." And she will probably be right. All y'all will never know another person like me. But we're all special little snowflakes, aren't we?

3.) If you ever find yourself in my position and decide to walk from the vet's office to the Y because it is sunny out and kind of warm and it's really not that far and some fresh air will probably do you good, after a mile and a half of scrambling over snow piles and dodging killer SUVs when you are forced to walk on the road, you will arrive at the Y and say to yourself, "WTF am I doing here? How did that NOT just count as cardio?" And you will be right. You will nevertheless go inside and run on the treadmill anyway, because you will decide that after only going to the gym twice the week before, it is not a good thing to get out of the habit of going several times a week. Or because you are stupid. One of the two.



Uncle said...

Sorry I missed the lunch question. That happened whilst I was at work missing a panic attack because the customers wanted us to attend to *their* panic attacks first: damn cheek.

I'll remember about the bag. Miss Annie is out for the feline longevity record, but every time I see her lying quietly, I check for respiration. The box is fine...we were able to say our goodbyes just fine and discreetly bury the ashes in the yard when Blackie passed on some years back. It's the memories that count.

Don't walk right now. Wrong kind of cardio ;)

malevolent andrea said...

See, I *knew* you people were "having a life" with chit like "gainful employment", and "friends" and "family", and "leaving the house." God. I need more readers like me who never leave their computers, except when they're almost getting run over by crazed SUV drivers.

How old is Miss Annie? Our Mrs Nicky was 19-ish when she quietly expired of old age and frailness. Not exactly sure because she was a stray. But we had her for 18 years.

crispix67 said...

Sorry I was busy taking care of kitties and looking at lolcats- saw the one above and thought of you :-)

malevolent andrea said...

I LOL'd :-) Did you look at the one linked below it? That one's even funnier. Pyow, pyow!

Uncle said...

Miss Annie joined the neighbourhood as a young adult feral cat whom a neighbour, an SPCA volunteer, tried and failed to gentle. That was about 20 years ago, and the neighbour guesstimates her age at 22. She's been a fixture around here ever since, and she will have more hooman mourners when she goes than she could imagine.

Now I'm off to check out the lolcats.

malevolent andrea said...

Oh my goodness, 22? That's awesome. But I'd be checking her every time I saw her sleeping too!

crispix67 said...

Oh dear. I have discovered (thanks to you) Trader Joe's-oops, Pilgrim Joe's- Pumpkin ice cream. Im on my second bowl in 30 minutes. LOL

And wow- Miss Annie is 22? I have cared for a pair of 20 yr old cats and one 19 year old.

malevolent andrea said...

Just remember pumpkin is a vegetable and you need your anti-oxidants :-)