Tuesday, March 16, 2010

me n' my authority problem

Whether or not you believe in the Myers-Briggs, let me just tell you that my being an INTP explains a whole hell of a lot about how I get through this world. We, the few, the strong--no, wait, that's the Marines--we the few, the introverted, logical, and intuitive really really hate hierarchy, bureaucracy, stoopid pointless petty rules and regulations, and those who seek to force them upon us. What brings this up, Andrea? Why, mock JCAH survey this morning, dudes!

I did not acquit myself well when our administrator and the mock surveyor lady started asking me questions about how I do a certain (meaningless) thing, why I do it that way, and if the people in [other department] do it that way as well. In fact, I am very sure that my disgust and irritation about the absolute stupidity of these questions showed all over my face, because the mock surveyor gave me two cafeteria coupons instead of one for my "patience" in participating in this little farce and Led Zep Girl (our department manager) felt obligated to point out to me after they left that none of this was directed at me or my competence personally. Sigh.

I suppose if I ever want to get anywhere in this world I really should learn to kiss up to these people, hide my disdain for the whole thing, and not get offended by their questioning the way I do my job (very fucking spectacularly well, thank you!) One, two, three: Oh, Andrea. I'm 47 years old. Face it. I'm not getting anywhere in this world and it's too late to learn how to be a phony.

Feeling attacked when people who aren't as smart as me start trying to tell me how to do something? That I could probably work on. Ha!

Oh, yeah...namaste, bitches! It's a new week!



Uncle said...

They had it all backwards way back when. First, they said I was paranoid, *then* they gave a Myers-Briggs.

And I think I was INTP too. Rock on.

malevolent andrea said...

Dude! We're only 1-3% of the population. I knew there was a reason we're so simpatico!