Saturday, March 6, 2010

in which i express my disgruntlement

Kiss my big fat blinding white Polish ass, Red Sox.

After "winning" the chance to buy (ooo, aren't you lucky! we might even take your money!) green monster tickets, and logging in promptly at noon when sales were to open, I stayed in the virtual waiting room for over 90 minutes. And there weren't even any good magazines. No, seriously, I was a good little obedient Red Sox slave and patiently I waited, not refreshing my browser, as I was cautioned not to do. And when my devotion was rewarded at 1:30-something and I was ushered out of the waiting room and into the ticket buying queue, what did I find?

Well, I'll tell you. All the really in-demand games, Yankees, Dodgers, etc, were totally sold out already, and every single other game I tried--and I tried for almost half an hour--had only standing room green monster seats. I am so, so sorry but no, I will not pay over eighty bucks to stand at a ballgame, and especially, I will not pay over eighty bucks to stand at a ballgame when it's the beginning of April and likely to be 40 degrees at game time nor will I pay over eighty bucks to stand and watch the Sox play Kansas City. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

And the next time I should be on the Green Line when Fenway is letting out, and I pitch a little fit because those idiotic suburban yahoos don't know how to move into the fucking train, you can all feel smug in knowing it's just insane jealousy.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

My offspring likes to taunt me with the $25 bleacher seats at Angels games. One day I'll sit down and work out whether one ticket for Sox v. Angels there plus one bargain airfare is really less than Fenway seats. If not there, then how about Toronto? Surely there must be better deals in the universe.