Sunday, April 12, 2009

important technical question for the sports-minded

So, yeah, I bought these insoles for my running shoes from The Sports Authority yesterday, not that I was planning to, or planning to buy anything, but oooo, shiny! They are supposed to be for people like me with the high arches. I tried them today and while they were nice and cushy and did apparently support my arches, they raised my foot up in the shoe so much that I felt like the back would rub against my heel where the Achilles' tendon is and give me a blister (a chronic problem, but not a fit issue I have with these shoes without the insoles.) So I took them back out. And my important technical question is, did I just waste $20? No, no, no, my important technical question is, was I supposed to rip out the insoles that are already in the shoes and replace them with the new ones, not put the new ones in on top? Am I doin it rong?

In other news, WTF, weather? I had to put my down vest on just to walk down the street to buy a paper, AND I WAS STILL COLD. C'mon now. I have photographic evidence of myself as a small child standing in front of our house in my Easter frock, little hat and little spring coat, ankle socks, patent leather shoes. If you tried that today here, your toddler would have frostbite. Is it the global warming??!??!

And in further Easter news, and as a followup as to why I celebrate this despite myself, there's this. Let me set the scene by telling you all that on days he doesn't need to leave the house, which is basically usually 6 out of every 7, my son's wardrobe consists of basketball shorts, a crappy t-shirt, and all winter long, the exact same hoodie that I need to wrestle off his body on occasion to launder. Well, today he got up, showered, and put on a pair of jeans and a nice (doctor-appointment) t-shirt, no hoodie. Without being asked. Without even a suggestion on my part. I was like, oh! you got dressed up for Easter! (Meanwhile, I'm in, yes, yoga pants. Shut up.) So I guess carrying on traditions of religious holidays that are meaningless to you still has some value. Plus, I made lamb chops and they were yummy.



Craig H said...

Extra insoles do often beg the removal of the old ones. (Something to remember for ski boots, too). Save 'em, though, just in case. The other approach with which I've had success is to get a little crescent arch support and glue it beneath the original insole.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Jesus would approve of you making me envious of lamb chops.

But I believe the answer to your first question is yes, you're supposed to rip out the current insoles and replace them with the new super-duper store bought insoles. Many athletic type shoes actually have easily removable insoles, no ripping needed. They're just sort of lying there. I don't know if that's for the purpose of easy insole replacement, or that's just how they make them.

Took me awhile to figure this out when I first got separate insoles, but I'm pretty sure that's the deal.

malevolent andrea said...

Okay! Gracias! I shall try removing the other insoles and seeing if they are better that way.