Friday, April 10, 2009

oh hai, holiday edition

There's still no thesis, but I thought I should blog so you all know I'm still alive. In case you were worried. Though I've probably spammed most of you all begging for (charitable) money, so, yeah, you're probably aware I haven't expired. I've just been busy busy busy. Anyway.

My boss (jokingly) asked me why I was in work today, since wasn't it a religious holiday or something? And this led to a discussion of how I asked *myself* why the fuck I was celebrating Easter anyway, since I'm a heathen. I don't go to church (and really haven't on any kind of regular basis since I was, oh, 14 or so) and my spiritual beliefs are along the lines of "I believe there's probably some kind of higher power in the universe and I believe he/she/it probably is totally indifferent to our existence or at the very least too busy with bigger things to worry about if I go to church, who I fuck, or even if I'm a good person, nevermind my joy or suffering." And I certainly don't have any little children who are expecting the Easter bunny. And though for the second straight year I am refraining from dying eggs, and my candy-buying was restricted to picking up two bags of Easter M&Ms at CVS yesterday (2 for $4) and tossing one at each of the menfolk with a jaunty "here ya go, Happy Easter" when I walked in the door, I nevertheless am feeling obligated by feelings of--what? guilt? nostalgia? I dunno--something to make a holiday dinner on Sunday. Why is that? Why can't I let this holiday go?

In other news, I have potting soil, seeds, and at least one book on growing herbs. What I do not have, is anything planted. Probably because I'm kinda scared. But also because *I've been very busy*, goddamnit. Maybe on Easter. That'd fit in with the new renewal theme of the day, right?

Happy whatever it is you do or do not celebrate, even if that's just the weekend!



crispix67 said...

Do you have a pot to put the potting soil and seeds in? :)

Just put the seeds in the soil, just a few, not a lot. Water it a little and again every other day or so, and let the sun and the seeds do the rest. It is NOT hard, and it is sooo rewarding to see little green things sprouting from seeds *you* planted.

You can do this!!

malevolent andrea said...

Thanks for the encouragement :-)

I'm sure there are pots in the cellar somewhere, because I have gardening stuff that was my mom's down there. If not, I'll just have to abandon my principles (ha!) and run down to the Evil WalMart tomorrow.

Uncle said...

Now that I have eaten a chocolate bunny, ears first, I consider my secular spring festival complete. Well that and the Sox managed to beat the Angels even though I was watching.

The garden du jour here is around the base of the bird feeder. Something green is growing...just is no telling what it is.