Tuesday, April 21, 2009

how to freak out your acupuncturist

In three easy steps!

Step 1: One half hour prior to your appointment, go to Starbucks and obtain yourself a grande green tea latte. You know, the ones that have the quarter inch of dark green not-found-in-nature sludge remaining at the bottom of the cup after you're finished drinking them? Yup, one of those.

Step 2: While in the waiting room, pop a Listerine cinnamon mouthwash strip, just in case your non-toothbrushed for 10 hours breath might be offensive to your health care provider.

Step 3: When asked, stick out for perusal your tongue, upon which apparently a chemical reaction has taken place, leaving a greenish-yellow square on the left back, the likes of which almost sends your poor horrified and perplexed acupuncturist for her camera and her tongue atlas.

Until she pulls herself together and questions you further. Oops.

I keep telling you people: learn from my example!



Uncle said...

This is guaranteed to get the attention of all providers, yes?

malevolent andrea said...

Especially your acupuncturist, though, because they're all.about.the.tongue. I'm pretty sure my PCP doesn't have a tongue atlas :-)