Friday, April 24, 2009

thoughts for friday

1.) According to the AP, Michael Phelps is "casually dating" (the anti-gay marriage) Miss California. Doesn't that kinda make you wish her interview question was about legalizing the ganja instead? Also? The headline for this was something along the lines of "Phelps dates beauty queen" which brought up my eternal question: why, when you become a famous athlete, you immediately are required to start dating (preferably blond) bimbos? Why is it beyond the pale for you to be hooking up with a nice, attractive lawyer or nurse or preschool teacher or, geez, I dunno, another athlete? It can't be just the looks thing, because there are plenty of real women with real jobs who are stunning. I was thinking maybe it's that at a certain point, your ego is so overinflated that you want a woman who is as vapid and empty as possible so she doesn't have any actual thoughts, ideas, or original opinions to interfere with her reflecting back your adoration of yourself, but then, I thought about Tom and Gisele, and that's obviously not what's going on there. All evidence points to him being her bitch and, I'm sure he thinks what she tells him to think. So maybe it's just peer pressure! But, mom! All the other superstars are doing it!

2.) Speaking of female attorneys, did you hear about the woman in Scarsdale who is in trouble, and being absolutely excoriated on the interwebz, for kicking her (behaving obnoxiously) 12 and 10 year olds out of the car three miles from home and telling them they could walk? Not exactly seeing this as child abuse myself, but I'm probably just a bad person.

3.) And, just throwing this out there, but I am totally willing to forgo shaving my pits for the duration of the playoffs (in solidarity with Mr Barma's hockey beard) if it will help the Bruins go all the way. Because that's the kind of girl I am.



Craig H said...

Nomah scored Mia Hamm (or was it the other way around?) so not all the big-necks are bimbo-bamboozled. Flo-Jo and Jackie J-K weren't too fast to get caught, neither. (At more than just marriage, but we don't have to go into that here).

My fave childcare story from recent news is the 9 year old who called casino security from the hotel room to report being left alone. What do you think Christmas is going to be like in that household?

As for your razor-related solidarity with the boys in black, let's just say there won't be a hockey fan in all of greater New England who will complain.

Have you chosen your date for the great June shaving party yet? ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

1.) Ah, thank you for Nomar and Mia, because I *knew* there were actually examples of two well-known athletes dating or marrying, but my brain could not come up with one at 9:30 this morning. Isn't there also one of those Olympic volleyball women who's married to an athlete in a different sport? Can.not.remember.

2.) Beating your children till they have contusions is child abuse; making them walk 3 miles is not. Leaving your nine year old home alone to fend for themselves for a weekend while you go gambling is neglect; leaving them in a hotel room (arguably one of the safest places in the world) unattended while you go downstairs, not so much. (If offered the chance for step-grandchildren, I will deny these remarks completely, you understand.)

3.) Why?!? Do you want to be my date? ahahaha Thank you, I'll be here till Tuesday and don't forget to tip your waitress.