Thursday, September 8, 2011

speaking of things that look pathetic

How about those Red Sox??!?! [insert hysterical laughter and/or sobbing here]

As the eighth inning unfolded, I said to D, and I quote, "I do NOT know why I am watching this, because I am not enjoying it." Maybe it was like one of those eleven car pileups that you just can't take your eyes off of, even though you suspect a decapitated head may come rolling out of that overturned pickup truck any time now. I am beginning to think that this season may just end without #200 ever coming and that will be a travesty and a desecration.

But then, even with #200 blown last night, those bastards still had a chance to tie and win the game. Only, did you see that final out? The fuck was that? R U kidding me? Do you think you're Dave Roberts? Because you, sir, are no Dave Roberts. So how about you stay on first base where you fucking belong and let the miracle come from behind win happen without your heroics.

Not that I'm bitter or anything. God.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

This is the time of year, isn't it, that we all compete to find phrases that use the word "choke?" Or its cognates. We've gone soft (but I hate it too).

But poor Wake!! Imagine if he had to retire with 199 wins. Is that a curse or what?