Monday, September 19, 2011


1.) So D has to go on thyroid medication after all, which will mean he will be on a grand total of...wait for it...wait for it...7 different drugs. Eight different prescriptions actually, since he gets one of them in two separate strengths. There's the atypical antipsychotic, the antidepressant, the antianxiety, the stuff that protects against the side effects of the atypical antipsychotic, the cholesterol lowering drug (needed due to the atypical antipsychotic fucking up one's metabolism), the protect against diabetes drug (ditto), and now the thyroid replacement. Which, if THAT isn't due to the atypical antipsychotic, I will eat my nonexistent hat. Townie Girl, who is on a similar number of drugs due to her autoimmune diseases and her crazee, shares my experience in that when we walk up to the pharmacy window, no one needs to ask our name anymore. I don't know what the point of sharing all this is, except to say that someday our descendents will look back on this like we look at witch doctors killing chickens to heal the patient. Because I am very sure medical science will advance such that the drugs that are saving your life on the one hand aren't also killing you on the other.

2.) Got the response to my second anxiety-producing bit of correspondence on Saturday and it is potentially very, very good financial news for me. I've got a little more work to do on it, but there may be a time in the not so distant future where I stop whining to you all that I don't have enough money to fix up my house and sell it.

3.) How about those Red Sox? Looking forward to tomorrow's game as one step closer to losing the wild card race. Beer will be consumed.

I can't remember the rest of what I was going to tell all y'all. As I mentioned previously, I am losing my freaking mind. Go, menopause, go!



crispix67 said...

But you're posting more lolcats as you lose your mind, so maybe its not such a bad thing? :-)

I do not understand the need for drugs to take care of the side effects of other drugs. Maybe perhaps develop drugs that dont *have* those side effects to begin with??Oh, wait, then you wouldnt have big pharma.O it'd be little big pharma.

"someday our descendents will look back on this like we look at witch doctors killing chickens to heal the patient."


malevolent andrea said...

The amazing thing to me is, half these drugs they don't even know how or why they work. Like, the atypicals work on the dopamine pathway but I think the research is showing that it's probably NOT dopamine that's directly implicated in psychosis, it's glutamate. So now BigPharma is rushing to work on glutamate drugs. Meanwhile, the atypicals are the best thing we got and if they keep you from being a danger to yourself and others, well, then you'll just have to deal with metabolic syndrome until we come up with something else.

On an up note, D told me he lost another two pounds and was 195 on the doctor's scale yesterday. I ran the numbers and he's dropped out of the obese BMI into the overweight. Not that I believe in the BMI, of course, but it's good. :-)