Sunday, September 11, 2011

praise the lord

You all may or may not remember me telling you about the closed car dealership I go by every day of my life whose proposed transformation into a methadone clinic was squelched by the neighbors and/or other town citizens. The last few weeks there has been a flurry of activity there, indicating that it was being transformed into something. Today I noticed the sign. The car dealership is now a "Christian Fellowship." Oh.

What I'm about to say is deeply unfair, I'm sure, since it's not as if the church put a kibosh on the clinic in order to get the building. Uh, as far as I know. But I can't help but think that if Jesus were alive, he'd be more interested in helping the junkies than in a bunch of people sitting around on a Sunday congratulating themselves on how moral and superior they are for believing in him. But what do I know? I'm a heathen.

In completely unrelated news, but as a further exemplar of how klassy the area in which I live and work is, I just saw a woman wearing a tube top over a bra. I don't mean a strapless bra. I mean, she had a tube top on over a regular bra such that the bra straps and the part of the cup that attaches to the straps were showing. Um, I am sorry, but they are called undergarments for a reason. Maybe tomorrow we should all wear our underpants on our heads or something.

Jesus, in his new car dealership home, wept.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

Dayyum! This was one of my half days so I missed the bra festivities. As to the new occupants of the dealership: would Jesus make the cut at this or any similar "christian" fellowship if he walked in off the street?

"I said, they refused Jesus too
And they said, 'you're not him."

(Bob Dylan)