Monday, December 28, 2009

reached my quota, uh huh

Three more days in 2009, but I have reached my year's quota of rudeness. Everyone better behave themselves till Friday, is all I'm saying.

What happened today, Andrea? Oh, I was coming home on the bus, and three stops away from my stop, an older gentleman boards. He was about to sit next to me, but I told him I was getting off, so I'd let him have the inside seat. I slid out of the seat and took a step backward, so he could pass me. And just then the bus lurched. Encumbered by two semi-heavy bags and in the process of, y'know, stepping backwards, I lost my balance and fell--slightly--against the young woman sitting in the seat behind us.

"Oh, excuse me!" I say. She just stares at me, with blank loathing on her face. No "oh, that's okay," no "no problem!" Not even an "I'ma cut you, bitch." She just stared at me as if I hadn't apologized, and as if I had bumped into her on purpose. Who the fuck is that ignorant? Srsly. Not sure I've built up enough loving-kindness for this one.

But enough about that. On a more positive note, my ex-sister-in-law and niece and nephew came over for pizza and ice cream, and present-exchanging tonight. It was a good time. I did not give them a goat, nor did they give us any meat. D was really, really quiet, even with his cousins, but he was laughing at the stories, and when they left, he talked *to me* about some of the things we'd been talking about. It's really sad to see how uncomfortable he is in social situations now. But I think he still had some fun.

Oh, and apparently my niece is one flattened dead animal away from being on Hoarders! Okay, maybe two. But we're keeping an eye on her.



crispix67 said...

That sound slike me and the traffic court clerk. her instructions werent clear, I got in the wrong line, as did the man in front of me...and after she turned me away with a "You just messed up my process" she proceeded to rudely tell the people in the courtroom "Till *somebody* gets it right!" the entire line of instructions again.She was just a very hostile person. And this was my first attempt at "choosing loving kindness" and giving it to someone who obviously needed it. Deep breathing helped, but all I wanted to do was yell back at her-"excuse me, we are human beings, as are you, and deserve to be treated as such." only in a not so nice way. :-)

I thought of you tonight while watching "Friends"- the episode where Phoebe is doing charity work-ringing a bell with a bucket outside Macy's, shes giving everyone who donates a "here's some joy for you" at first, then when people start getting rude-taking change out of the bucket, putting trash in the bucket, she starts giving them "something other than joy". LOL Loved it!

malevolent andrea said...

hahaha I never saw that one, but I shall keep my eyes open for it.

Sorry you had traffic court, especially with a bitchy clerk :-( That doesn't sound like a very good day.