Saturday, December 19, 2009

very cool!

For the bodyworkers, yoga practitioners, and athletes in the crowd, check out this slide show:,com_phocagallery/Itemid,30/id,2/view,category/

I would love to see my own pelvis. I think my acetabulum on one side might be at a different angle than the one on the other, because my outward rotation is very different between the two sides.

For instance, when I do this:

huge difference with the underneath leg, left versus right.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm reading about yoga, not doing it. I'ma go change out of my jeans and get to it any minute now. However, I will note that it is now 9:30 pm and not one freaking snowflake yet, which means I sure as hell could have gone out tonight and been home before it got bad. Grr.



crispix67 said...

Sorry the weather predictions didnt come true :-(

And that is one of the joys of yoga, learning about your body and all its little quirks. No one, not even Mr Bill who owns the wonderful yoga studio I go to and has been doing yoga for 20 friggin' years, has a body that is exactly the same on both sides. Or so I have learned. :-)

And, what is tight one day may be loose as a goose next time you hit the mat. And one day you may do the perfect textbook Tree pose, and the next time you fall over before your foot leaves the ground.

It can be very humbling, and yet empowering at the same time. :-)

malevolent andrea said...

It's still snowing, but it's supposed to stop noon-ish. So if it takes me two hours to dig out, then another hour to shower/dress/make myself presentable, that's plenty o' time to salvage this afternoon/evening, right??!??! None of my good going out jeans are clean though. I should go pop some laundry in.

And I'm sorry, but I can't help giggling about Mr Bill, because a yoga teacher totally *should* be made out of playdoh. But he shouldn't get run over by things. And you're several years younger than me, so you probably have no idea what I'm talking about and think I've been putting Kahlua in my morning coffee, WHICH I HAVE NOT BEEN. Ahem. :-)

But seriously. I love the whole concept of anatomical differences between people and how it allows or prevents us from doing certain things. I've been trying really hard to remember what I learned in massage school (as an aside) about what the slight difference in some people's rotator cuffs is that makes their shoulder joints stronger and more stable than most people's. But I can't remember. Probably b/c that space in my brain is taken up by old SNL skits. But I know there was something, b/c I remember joking w/ my teacher about, if you could look at the rotator cuffs of all major league pitchers, how many of them would have the variation?

crispix67 said...

Ohhhh noooooo! I *do* know about Mr Bill. ;-)

Sorry, its a Southern thing that Ive picked up...everyone is Miss or Mister. LOL

Mr Bill is not made of play doh- but he is very flexible. Maybe he's made of silly putty ;-)

You can see him on the "Teachers" page at

malevolent andrea said...

The nude yoga for men kinda scares me :-) :-)