Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i might need to give in

So, if you're keeping track you'll remember I stopped reading the Globe in protest when they like tripled the price. Meanwhile I also let my subscription to EW lapse. You know what that means, doncha? It means I have absolutely no freakin idea what movies are out, what they're about, or what's supposedly good, other than what gets talked about *a lot*, like Avatar or Precious.

Well, I was at M2's house yesterday afternoon to give her a massage, which basically we chatted through. (I will self-promote here and say M2 told me it was the best massage I'd *ever* given her to date. I was a little skeptical, considering we did talk all the way through, but who am I to argue with the client? Want one of my new business cards? Ha!) One of the things we were talking about were what movies she and Mr M2 had seen since we last spoke and which ones she thought I would like--she and I and our friend G having much the same tastes in such things. And I hadn't heard of any of them, basically. She was like, "OMG, what happened to my movie buddy?!??" But, really, I never saw that many movies--well, okay, I do rent a fair number--I just used to read *all* the reviews, so I used to be able to discuss them intelligently.

I might need to capitulate and resubscribe to EW, because now I feel left out of the cultural zeitgest, and I seriously won't bother to seek that stuff out online. The Globe, however, is never ever getting my business again. I mean it.


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