Monday, December 14, 2009

and another thing!

My boss has been having horrible dry eye problems too. In fact, the other day he had to send Led Zep girl out to the CVS for eye drops for him, because he wasn't sure he could see to examine patients. Coincidence? Or eye fungus in the air of that overheated, windowless basement dungeon they make us work in?????

You be the judge. Then call OSHA for me.




Craig H said...

You've got microscopes there in the building, right? Sounds like something to do between patients this holiday season. (Unless you can't see into the lens with the dry eye thing...)

malevolent andrea said...

Tsk. Just call OSHA, willya?

I want officious guys in hazmat suits taking the samples, thankyouverymuch.

crispix67 said...

How about a humidifier? Oh, and a call to OSHA too ;-)