Wednesday, February 11, 2009

what marcy recommended

Nothing to do with my chi. We were discussing my falling on the ice last week and twisting my ankle the week before and she told me about

She said that, sick of almost killing themselves on crappy, crappy Boston sidewalks, everyone in her office (she shares a suite with a chiropractor and I think a shiatsu person) went down the street to REI (EMS?) one day and bought Yaktrax for like $20. You can put them on over any pair of shoes and they work great! Other than that you need to remember to slip them off when you come inside because if you wear them on tile or some other non-carpeted indoor surface, you *will* fall on your ass. I was like, why have I never heard of this?

So I came home and ordered them off amazon on sale. I realize it's mid-February and so (hopefully!) there are not going to be many more days of climbing over frozen snowbanks this winter, but I'm gonna be ready for next year, I'll tell you what.



Uncle said...

In this house we have Yaktrax and snowshoes too. I think the Yaktrax would be useful on the prison bus...and not for walking...but the snowshoes not so much.

What's great about my generation getting old is how we drag the gadget demographic along with us ;) and in this case, help the world.

malevolent andrea said...

Did you get the Yaktrax Walkers or the Pros? I read the reviews of both on amazon and a few people said the Walkers either had the rubber part break easily or that they slipped off their shoes (and you know how much that would irritate me) while the complaints about the Pros boiled down to the springs getting rusty, which seemed less likely to cause me to fling them into a snowbank in frustration so I decided to pay a few bucks more for the Pros.

Uncle said... is long gone, but I think they're the Pros. Certainly they're never slipped off. Of course, now that I can drive six minutes to work and park 20 feet from the door, I don't get the mileage I expected.

malevolent andrea said...

I think the pros are supposed to have an extra strap that goes across your instep, so if you have that they're pros.

Do people throw things at you when you tell them about your commute and parking situation? :-) :-)